Clara practicing Qi Gong in spring

Meditation in Movement

Qigong in Trondheim

Come into the present moment, find your center. Connect with the energy around you, with the earth, with the sky. Relax, let go of all the stress and tensions in your body. Breathe. Feel the energy tingling down your arms. Stand and move in perfect harmony.

Welcome to your happy place!

Clara Johanna practicing Qi Gong in exotic nature

Hi, I am Clara,

And I would like to take you on a journey to discover the beauty of Qigong. Learn how to feel more healthy, relaxed and balanced and thus happier in your everyday life.

“Doing Qigong feels so good for both my body and my mind. Clara is a great teacher, gentle and encouraging. She always gives you explanations and new things to focus on that you are ready for. It’s very relaxing whilst at the same time stimulating. I always feel better after a Qigong class with Clara. “

Caroline durville

“I really recommend this course, Clara is a pleasant and dedicated teacher and Qigong will benefit every aspect of your life”

Hilde Soland

Looking forward to meeting you!